Where do I put my garbage? How do I work the air exchanger? Who can I get TV with? What’s my new address? How do I work the thermostat? Where do I put my Christmas decorations? What day is garbage day? Can I paint my bedroom? What’s your father’s name? How do I clean the […]
The Foundation of a Real Estate Business
Every house needs a strong and stable foundation. If that foundation is cracked, water will get in and damage your basement. If the foundation is crooked, the rest of the house will be crooked too. If you try to build a three-story house on a foundation for a small bungalow, the whole house will collapse. No matter […]
Tenant Suitability Scale
Tenants are a hard group to judge. There are too many variables to create a rigid scoring system. What if these people owned their own home for 25 years? They likely won’t have a previous landlord to use as a reference. What if this couple just got divorced and that’s why she’s moving out […]